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3 Battle Rope Exercises For Your Core


Ropes are fantastic for working your core because your abs need to be switched on and engaged for the duration of the work period.

3 Battle Rope Exercises For Your Core

“Ropes are fantastic for working your core because your abs need to be switched on and engaged for the duration of the work period,” says Andrew Tracey, outdoor training expert and founder of you are not your “You also work through multiple planes – left to right, front to back, and up and down – which will work your abs through different angles and in a variety of ways to engage the muscles harder.”

Full circle wave

Stand tall, sideways on to where the rope ends are fixed, holding the other ends of the ropes in each hand with your hands together. Move your hands in a big circle clockwise in front of your body for 12 reps, then do 12 reps anti-clockwise. Turn around then repeat. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat three times.

Two-point wave

Start in the plank position with your abs fully engaged and your body straight. Hold the rope in your right hand and raise your left leg. Wave your right hand up and down, keeping the rest of your body stable, for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat five times.

Side plank wave

Start in a side plank with your legs straight and your upper body supported on your right forearm. Hold the rope in your left hand and wave it up and down for 15 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. Rest 30 seconds and repeat five times.

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Battle Rope